I enjoy sharing some of the good things in life. More laughs, more smiles, things to ponder and things you could act on (if you like)…
You only live once. We’re here for a short time. As I get older, I realise that there is still so much more to see, discover and do. But once seen, discovered and done, why not share with others? If we can learn from it, get enjoyment from it or simply start a discussion about it then we have achieved something. Right?
“The world belongs to humanity, not this leader, not that leader, or that king, that prince or religious leader. The world belongs to humanity.”
– Dalai Lama
Nigel’s Blog
I like get out and do stuff, see stuff, go to great places. I still try to. I’m sharing adventures and sightseeing, interesting people and places, those I have met and seen. If I feel other people might like them, I’ll make recommendations. This is my ‘keeping up to date’ platform.
Nige recommends
Here I can recommend a great article, a restaurant, a nice bottle of wine, some kind of gadget, perhaps a brilliant music feed or YouTube clip that is worth reviewing. If I think others might like it, I will post it in ‘Life Space’. I’ll use instagram for sharing a few pics from time to time as well.
Other Peoples Stuff
There are a couple of larger sections in this site; ‘World of Work’ and ‘Life Space’. Here you can find embedded links to other sites such as, The Elders or sites which belong to family, friends and work colleagues. They are there because I like them and you might also.