Thank you for visiting my site. Click on a few of the menu tabs to find your way around. The site overview is a good place to start. Or just jump to ‘life space’ or Galleries…

(This site is best viewed in landscape format on iPhone, iPad, tablet or on a Mac)

I created this site a few years ago for a bit of fun and also because I didn’t want to chase the ever changing, ‘this is new and better, everyone is on this’, world of social media. Call me old fashioned but I don’t use ‘X’ and just don’t get Tik Tok at all. I have been told that I’m more than a little bit OCD and therefore like to keep my communications simple and tidy.

I do have Facebook, but only post from time to time and some of those posts might lead you here. I’m not very active on Instagram, except for when I post the odd photo I like. There is a link to YouTube at the bottom of the page since I have a secret hobby, making short videos. There is also a link to Trip Advisor as more recently I have started writing a few reviews of places that I reckon are great to visit, or not.

There you go, this website gives me the platform I need to share updates, stories, images and articles I reckon are interesting or meaningful.

That’s it, enjoy.


Here are some photo collections from recent years. You can find more under the Galleries tab.