Life Space

Trump, Europe and the UK. Not a happy story.

It still seems unbelievable that the role of what used to be considered 'President of the free world' has been so tarnished by the current incumbent. Did we ever think US presidential public image would fall to these low levels? Bush wasn't great, but...TheGuardianNewspaper

By |2018-07-16T02:01:05+00:00July 16th, 2018|Life Space, Opinion|0 Comments

My encounters with the Yi People. (part 1)

The Yi minority numbers just over 8 million people who live widely through south and south west China, Laos and northern Vietnam. The Yi of Yunnan province and the areas around Lijiang live high in the mountains in isolated villages, often above 3000m. Mrs Kang Once referred to as the Lolo they originally [...]

By |2018-07-13T22:27:48+00:00July 12th, 2018|Culture, Life Space, Travel|0 Comments