2004 Tsunami, a baby and a fisherman’s tale

Most people remember or have heard of the December 26, 2004 'boxing day' Tsunami, the widest reaching modern day natural disaster with the highest number of non war related fatalities since the Spanish flu. Penang was not directly in the line of fire from the first wave, yet it also suffered human losses, many [...]

By |2023-09-27T00:02:47+00:00September 22nd, 2023|Life Space, Niges Blog, Travel|0 Comments

Great memories of Krabi – part 3

This is the third and final piece in a series of short blogs about Thailand, with a few more stories and anecdotes that I would like to share. So if you are still with me, thank you for your support! OK to begin with, I forgot to talk about Joy Beach Cafe. The picture [...]

By |2023-09-22T21:57:17+00:00September 11th, 2023|Life Space, Niges Blog, Travel|0 Comments

Great memories of Krabi – part 2

As I have said said before, I really loved living in Thailand. This is a continuation of the article I posted earlier and talks about some of the people and the amazing places that I had the opportunity to visit. With Brice (centre) and Christophe (right), the wine man. At one point, [...]

By |2023-09-18T01:13:56+00:00September 7th, 2023|Life Space, Niges Blog, Travel|0 Comments

Great memories of Krabi – part 1

I enjoyed living in Thailand. That is, I loved the social life and everything it had to offer, the local hospitality, the friendly expats living there and its plain affordability. I can truly say it has been the highlight of my time living away from Australia. Well maybe apart from some rare and exceptional [...]

By |2023-09-10T03:44:04+00:00August 27th, 2023|Life Space, Niges Blog, Travel|0 Comments

Driving in China and other stories (part 1)

I hold a Chinese drivers license. That's not an oxymoron, though you could be forgiven for thinking so the way the majority of 'mainlanders' drive. After 7 years in China I though it would be entertaining to reflect on some of my road experiences and all things traffic. Why? It might shed some light on [...]

By |2018-09-08T08:16:24+00:00September 8th, 2018|Adventure, Life Space, Sports and Entertainment|0 Comments

My encounters with the Yi People. (part 1)

The Yi minority numbers just over 8 million people who live widely through south and south west China, Laos and northern Vietnam. The Yi of Yunnan province and the areas around Lijiang live high in the mountains in isolated villages, often above 3000m. Mrs Kang Once referred to as the Lolo they originally [...]

By |2018-07-13T22:27:48+00:00July 12th, 2018|Culture, Life Space, Travel|0 Comments

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the hard way (part two).

This is the second half of the tale recounting my Jade Dragon Snow Mountain climbing adventures. In the first instalment, I told the sorry tale of failure, misleading information and disappointment. What follows is an account of events leading to eventual success, but that didn't happen without a lot of planing, a larger team and [...]

By |2018-07-07T04:14:43+00:00July 3rd, 2018|Adventure, Life Space, Travel|0 Comments

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the hard way (part one).

This is a story about climbing mountains, sort of. Actually more about adventures in the mountains and hills around Lijiang... It all started with a whimsical idea, to climb the big lump of rock at the end of the garden; the 'famous' Jade Dragon Snow Mountain which featured in all the tourist posters and brochures [...]

By |2018-07-07T01:47:43+00:00June 26th, 2018|Adventure, Life Space, Travel|0 Comments