Other peoples stuff

Business Mythbusters

Another great article by Ian Whitworth,  removing the thin icing of Motivator Schtick that conceals the bland substance within. "You can waste years acting on confident tips from business gurus and motivators that turn out to be nonsense. Or just nonsense names for stuff you’ve known since you were a child..." (click on the link [...]

By |2018-07-17T01:28:21+00:00July 17th, 2018|Opinion, Professional Articles, World of Work|0 Comments

Be careful what you wish for. A cautionary tale.

A great article in the New York Times relating to Xi Jinping's Belt and Road initiative. Naiveté in government or deliberate profiteering for personal gain? In any case, it's check mate and asset handed over to China. (Click here for more)  

Customer Pull business models. Great reading.

I'm reposting a great article posted on Linkedin by my mate Ian Whitworth, originally written by Graham Hawkins. Buyers (in 2018 onward) will NOT accept having their busy day interrupted by a stranger with a blanket message that is not personalised... (Click here for more)