Insomnia and sleep apnoea

I don't sleep well and I'm aware that I haven't had a consistently good sleep pattern for several years. Insomnia seems to be an issue and I was once mis diagnosed with sleep apnoea. It hasn't been something that I have been overly concerned about until now. Yet there has been an increasing [...]

‘X’ and AI, bots talking to bots…

I haven't posted for a while, but this article caught my attention. The lid is off 'Pandora's Box' and now AI bots are flooding social media platforms, which, of course, does not come as a surprise to anyone. In this case 'X' is an apparent testing ground for things to come. The worry? [...]

2004 Tsunami, a baby and a fisherman’s tale

Most people remember or have heard of the December 26, 2004 'boxing day' Tsunami, the widest reaching modern day natural disaster with the highest number of non war related fatalities since the Spanish flu. Penang was not directly in the line of fire from the first wave, yet it also suffered human losses, many [...]

By |2023-09-27T00:02:47+00:00September 22nd, 2023|Life Space, Niges Blog, Travel|0 Comments