After the ‘great quit’ many good employees are looking at options and taking part in the great search for better opportunities.

It is nearly the end of 2023 and, post pandemic, it seems that more and more good people are looking for jobs in keeping with their career aspirations and work life balance expectations. It’s no secret; people who, on the outside at least, appear stable, committed to their work place and otherwise unlikely to be looking for alternatives, are, well, looking for alternatives.

This is reflected by the uptick in mainstream media self-help job search related articles as well as the surge in resume writing, interview tips and ‘look before you jump’ style articles shared on sites such as linkedIn.

I have a number of work colleagues who, after a couple of years or so with one company, in seemingly stable and rewarding positions, have upped stakes and moved on to better employers. I am also part of this group. Following nine years with a luxury hotel group, I decided it was time to seek a better opportunity more aligned with my work ethos and core values.

In the following article by Jonathan Wiles, Managing Partner, Page Executive – ‘How to lead through an ‘Invisible Revolution’: Talent retention tips for the C-Suite, the author discusses this trend, its warning signs and possible ways to encourage these employees to stay and avoid taking that next step.

Hope you enjoy reading this short article. More to come.